How long? (Liblog Landscape 2007-2008, 3)

What do, Attempting Elegance, Digital Eccentric, Government Info Pro, The Well Dressed Librarian, The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics and Biblioteksrelaterat have in common?

The Liblog Landscape 2007-2008: Introductory Offer

You’ll find the answer and more in The Liblog Landscape 2007-2008: A Lateral Look.

This 285-page 6×9 trade paperback looks at 607 liblogs (nearly all English-language) and, for most of them, how they’ve changed from 2007 to 2008.

It’s the most comprehensive look at liblogs ever done–and the only one I know of that shows how they’re changing from year to year.

From now through January 15, 2009, and only from Lulu, The Liblog Landscape 2007-2008 is available for $22.50 plus shipping.

On January 16, 2009 or thereabouts, that price will go up to $35.00. If and when the book is available on Amazon, it will immediately sell for $35.00.

How long?

Chapter 3 deals with word count–for blogs over a three month period and, more interesting, as average word counts per post within a blog. With overall lengths (for a quarter) ranging from 26 words to 186,467 words in 2007–and from 39 to 204,517 in 2008!–there’s quite a range.

There’s no “right length” for a blog post. Some excellent blogs have very short posts; others consist entirely of long essays. This is one metric where both the longest and shortest posts stand out as unusual in a positive, interesting way. The chapter includes tables, charts comparing one year to another, and considerable discussion.

Some of you can probably already guess the blog with the shortest average words per post; it’s also one of relatively few blogs with exactly the same number of posts in March-May 2007 and March-May 2008: 92, to be exact. (Oh, come on: You can guess this one. If not, see page 35.)

Who’s here, part 3.

Another 50 blogs–no, make it 51 this time–included in the book, with the number of index entries for each blog.


You’ll find the answer on page 23.

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