Getting the Picture (LL5)

Here’s an even sillier question–and one that you don’t need the book to answer, just resources already available or this series of promotional posts (yes, I’m writing them ahead of time; no, I don’t plan to be doing real blogging on Thursday).

In what respect is an alphabetic list of liblogs wildly different than typical alphabetic lists?

I believe The Liblog Landscape 2007-2008: A Lateral Look is a worthwhile book, and it’s only $22.50 from now through January 15, 2009, and only at Lulu. 285 pages, 6×9 trade paperback (60lb. cream book stock), wraparound cover photo taken somewhere outside Christchurch, New Zealand…

Oh yes, and the price goes up to $35 on or about January 16–and will always be $35 if/when it’s available on Amazon.

Chapter 5, “Getting the picture,” is about visuals in liblogs–videos drawings, charts, that sort of things. Many blogs don’t use them at all; many use very few. This is the one metric that won’t be tracked in possible future updates–but I think you may find the relatively brief chapter interesting.

Who’s here, part 5

Fifty-one this time, again with the number of appearances in the index (and in the book):

By the way…

The list above should make it clear that the number of appearances in the book has nothing to do with importance or quality…or, for that matter, visibility. (One chapter discusses visibility, but I don’t discuss individual blogs.)

A qualitative study would be much longer and far beyond my abilities or willingness to judge. This book looks at quantifiable measures only.

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