My first cat picture(s)

And no, there won’t be a LOLCatz in the offing.

We adopted a kitten just before ALA. We call him Oz. He’s four months old at this point…and I think he and our older cat are getting along. Most of the time.

My wife the photographer (and actual librarian) also made the Digital Camera Plunge. One reason to get the camera now, before our next vacation: a few pictures of the kitten as he grows up.

So, without further ado–noting that she wanted to get him sleeping, but he yawned instead:

Oz yawning 1


Of course, I can’t stop anyone else from turning those into LOLcats.

6 Responses to “My first cat picture(s)”

  1. Angel says:

    Aww, cute kitty. We have two cats at home, and we have not yet plunged into putting their pictures online (but we have taken pictures of them). Careful, once you start, you may want to keep taking more photos.

    Best, and keep on blogging.

  2. walt says:

    Oh, my wife’s definitely taking more pictures of the cat–after all, we picked up a 4GB chip for $25 when we bought the camera, so even at the highest quality she’s got room for 1,200 shots or so, at no cost other than the occasional pair of batteries…lots of room for experimentation. Will I post more? Hard to say…

    Yes, I know, we were late to digital photography. But of course that means we skipped many generations on the price/performance/optical quality/design ladder, getting Nikon-quality optics and design for less than $150.

  3. First one: “LIBERRY LYON. I IZ IT.”

  4. walt says:

    A very, very tiny little liberry lyon, to be sure.

  5. Pete says:

    Ur rezours request… I mocks it

  6. Laura H. says:

    Awww!! 🙂