Just a quicky tea-break post…
I encountered this post (on the O’Reilly Radar blog) through a secondary source…
If I’m reading one of the charts correctly, the U.S. has about 28 million Facebook accounts…and Canada has about 11 million (that’s eyeballing: both numbers could be off quite a bit).
Current estimates for Canada’s population: a little over 33 million.
Current estimates for the U.S. population: a little over 301 million.
So one out of three Canadians is on Facebook–as opposed to something under one out of ten U.S. residents?
(Hey, by any reasonable standard, one-third of everybody in a country, including infants, being on a social network is close enough to “everyone” for everyday use.)
(I’m still thinking about whether to set up an account…slowly, very slowly.)
Hey Walt:
We’ll take ya! Even without a Facebook account, eh.
This Canadian isn’t on Twitter, but he is on Facebook. I find it as handy as it is fun. Maybe see you there.
This Canadian isn’t on Facebook (or MySpace or Twitter, etc., etc.). But most of my friends and colleagues are on it.