Cites & Insights 8:6, June 2008, is now available for downloading.
The 28-page issue is PDF, as usual, but (since My Back Pages is missing) all segments are also available as HTML separates at the Cites & Insights homepage.
The issue consists of:
- Bibs & Blather: Quick Updates: Limits and Slouching – A brief reminder of a timely essay, and a progress report about where things stand on the possible 2007-2008 liblogs project.
- Perspective: On Wikis and Transparency – Transparency is great, as long as you’re aware of it. MediaWiki makes your wiki (and most other wikis) very transparent to outsiders. A good thing, but do pay attention.
- ©3 Perspective: DRM and ISP Surcharges – Comments on the slow death (?) of DRM for purchased audio downloads–and the latest plan to assure Big Media of ongoing profitability.
- Perspective: On Semantics, Reality, Learning and Rockstars – “Reality” in this case: When is a book not a book? Discover the connections between these four mini-perspectives and win yourself a virtual candy bar!
- Retrospective: Pointing with Pride, Part 2 – Selected excerpts and comments on issues past, another part of the centenary celebration.