Public library blogs: Illustrations per post – the final quintile

Here we are at the end of the metrics for public library blogs (I’m not going to discuss “visibility” or how long blogs have been around): Illustrations per post.

Overall, the average blog in Public Library Blogs: 252 Examples had 0.72 illustrations per post; the median was 0.50 illustrations per post. The quintiles:

  • Q1: Most illustrations per post: 1.0 to 12.8 illustrations per post.
    Average (mean): 2.19 illustrations per post.
    Median: 1.44 illustrations per post.
  • Q2: More illustrations per post: 0.67 to 1.0 illustrations per post.
    Average: 0.87 illustrations per post.
    Median: 0.90 illustrations per post.
  • Q3: Average number of illustrations per post: 0.25 to 0.67
    Average: 0.47 illustrations per post
    Median: 0.50 illustrations per post.
  • Q4: Fewer illustrations per post: Zero to 0.25.
    Average: 0.09 illustrations per post.
    Median: 0.08 illustrations per post
  • Q5: Fewest illustrations per post: No illustrations.

And that’s it. You can identify any blog in the book as to its proper quintile. If your library has a blog and isn’t in the book, you can play along.

Which libraries fit where? Well, for that you’ll have to buy the book–and, since I said I wasn’t pushing it by doing these posts, I suppose I should be gratified that there haven’t been any new sales of either library blog book. Or not.

Soon: The quintiles for the academic library blogs. Same metrics, different results.

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