Cites & Insights 8:4 available

Cites & Insights 8:4, April 2008, is now available for downloading.

The 28-page issue is PDF as usual (or not as usual–I’m now using Word 2007 and Microsoft’s free PDF-output download), but HTML separates are available from the C&I homepage

The issue includes:

By the way, if you know anyone who’s been getting issue alerts via email, let them know they need to sign up for C&I Updates or Walt at Random; Topica no longer accepts my posts (and entirely lacks help/contact info).

3 Responses to “Cites & Insights 8:4 available”

  1. Dude. Were you seriously hard up for material this issue or what?

  2. walt says:

    Not really. I have more than 10,000 words that I’ve held over to May–but there’s this person who’s been saying things about IRs that deserve broader readership.

  3. walt says:

    And here’s a really good reason for devoting 14% of this issue to Salo on IRs. Something about saying important things and being, to some extent, a voice in the wilderness (not helped by Johnny One-Note’s insistence that a box in the corner solves the repository problem).

    I may be hot for gold OA as a way to free up some money–but without IRs functioning both as green OA and as ways to retain the record of scholarship beyond publication itself (that is, the broader role of a good IR), I don’t see how it can all work. And I just don’t know enough to comment intelligently on my own. (Not that this usually stops me…) So when I see ongoing coherent, thoughtful, experience-based commentary…it would ill behoove me not to publicize it once in a while.