Still not on Twitter, and more

In the last three days, two more people have started following me on Twitter.

I’m flattered, I guess, because this means these are new readers–people who don’t know that I’m, well, not on Twitter.

I’ve been told that Twitter is no longer Hotel California software–that you actually can leave now. So I logged in (turned out I actually did remember my password), for the first time in months, and tried closing my account again.

This time, there’s no obvious sign that it didn’t take. So maybe I’m officially off Twitter (but can apparently recognize the error of my ways within the next six months and return…)

I guess I’ll know, if I don’t get more “followers.” And, yes, I am flattered that people chose to follow my twitters, even if there aren’t really any to follow.

There’s a really interesting article on Slate today (2/26/08) on which is greener: Print newspapers or online newspapers. It’s not as obvious as you might think.

Lifecycle issues are complicated. Probably always will be. Take, for example, “which is better for the environment? Disposable diapers or washables?” The answer is, apparently, “It depends”–mostly on where you live.

3 Responses to “Still not on Twitter, and more”

  1. Francesco says:

    Hi Walt,
    for me has been the same. Even if I have not posted anymore on twitter since last december (and written that I was tired of this service) , three people have started following me on twitter in the last days. This leads to this consideration: why following a person which does not post and explicitly declare that he will not do anymore? In the net seems that sometimes is more important to collect contacts and links than evaluating them and making a kind of selection.
    Instead, It seems that I could delete my account regularly (note that Twitter mantains the account for some days before deleting).
    Best regards
    Francesco, librarian (Rome – Italy)

  2. Mark says:

    That link was posted in the comments of my “spurious e-books” post last night. It is interesting, and as complex as I thought. Actually the article leaves it a bit simplistic still.

    What I find interesting is that that post–a toss-off for me–has turned into one of my most popular posts based on comments. Sometimes I forget how the web works and need a reminder now and again.

    I guess unintentionally taking on a (or more) trade organizations is one way to get that reminder. 😉

  3. walt says:

    Francesco, the difference is that, the three previous times I tried to quit Twitter, the process failed at the last step. This time, apparently, it’s at least taken me off the list of participants. We shall see.

    Mark: Well, the environmental issue’s been complex for a while. As for the “spurious marketing” thing…there sure was an interesting dustup at LISNews, one to which I almost contributed (but chickened out). Your post and the “30 reasons” are part of a major Kindle/Ebooks essay slated for the April Cites & Insights, so I’ll check back on the comment stream… It’s fair to say that, if you entirely missed the actual point of the essay, you’re not the only one.