Apparently my previous posts regarding “what I’ll be doing next” weren’t quite clear enough about the level of uncertainty. So, let me be as clear as possible:
I’ve signed the contract. I will be taking on an interesting, challenging, worthwhile responsibility starting October 15. I’ve made the near-term travel arrangements involved in that responsibility. I even picked up the discounted ALA Midwinter/Annual registration using the name of the agency on my badge copy.
What I haven’t done yet: Posted a formal announcement of exactly what the position is. I want to coordinate that announcement with a formal announcement from the agency. These things take a little time.
Will I be adding other new things? Possibly: This isn’t a full-time job (technically, it’s not a job at all, as I won’t be an employee as such.) But this will be my core position–the one that gets the most attention.
Sponsorship for Cites & Insights is also clear at least through 2008: YBP will continue to sponsor C&I.
I’ll post more when there’s more to post. That should certainly be within the next two weeks.
In the meantime, I would say that posting here might be even lighter than usual, given that I’m sort-of taking two weeks off (as described previously)–but I won’t say that, for two good reasons:
- I’ve always said that bloggers shouldn’t feel obliged to tell us why they’re not blogging for a period, unless it suits them to do so. Life trumps blogging: always has, always will.
- Blogging frequency here has always been erratic and unpredictable. My original “target” was two posts a week; based on that target, I’m covered through early 2011. I know there will be at least one more post this week (I’m watching the final movie on Disc 3 of the Hollywood Legends set, and you know what that means), and I could suddenly be inspired or irritated to put out several other posts.
Heck, I might even do a post about the freshet of posts from people who find themselves with a truly annoying version of “blogger’s block”: Where instead of simply not blogging for a while (no harm, no foul), people are sitting at the keyboard for significant periods of time and still not coming up with posts. Now if I had something useful to say about that…
Glad to hear C&I lives! Things seem so UP here lately.
I sometimes post about why I am not posting so I have a personal record of that… as in the primary meaning of “weblog.” Additionally, I have many “patron” readers who don’t RSS, and want them to know I am ok. That’s also why I still post about RSS and aggregators on occasion.
Good luck with new ventures.
Jennimi–it is nice to be UP again, particularly since that suites my personality.
I think you fall into the trailing clause of my comment above: “unless it suits them to do so.” It suits you to do so, for reasons that make perfectly good sense, and that’s great. If I ever argued that people should not post “why I’m not blogging” posts, as opposed to should not feel required to post such posts–well, then I was wrong, and I apologize.
What surprised me about a couple of recent posts was that they weren’t “here’s why I haven’t been/here’s why I won’t be blogging” so much as “I’m sitting here trying to blog and nothing comes out.”
That’s a really tough situation, and if blogging is one’s only or primary writing outlet, it’s even worse. On the few occasions when I haven’t felt able to do any writing at all (other than the occasional deliberate “week off” or actual vacations), I’ve found that disturbing. Fortunately, for me at least, the writing always returns…