Just thought I’d touch base, in case anyone’s interested:
- Public Library Blogs: 252 Examples – The book and cover are done and uploaded at both Lulu and CreateSpace, with proof copies ordered from both sources. I could hold the next C&I until I see and approve proof copies, but probably won’t–maybe. Best guess: It will be about 2 weeks before the book’s available. The final book is 299 pages (289 + x). My wife (whose photography provides the cover once again) finds my choice of cover photo a little ironic for a book about blogs…but you’ll see when it’s ready. Price: $29.50.
- Cites & Insights – I have a handful of items to add to the first Followup and Feedback section in many moons (since February, actually), and a few items to add to Trends & Quick Takes–and, probably, a Bibs & Blather to write. After that–which may take a while, because of other needs for my PC this weekend–it’s a matter of editing, combining, copyfitting. Best guess: midweek (say 8/21-8/23). On the other hand, if the proof copies show up early, I could revamp the whole thing and it might take longer…
- The CreateSpace/Amazon experiment – The proof copy of Balanced Libraries–no textual changes, but I’ve scrapped the “continue the conversation” last page and back-of-title “comments” section and provided a different edition date–is also on the way. If it looks good, I’ll go live…but Lulu will continue to be first choice, at least for now.
- Pricing for Balanced Libraries – When/if it goes live on Amazon, it will be $29.50. I’d originally said that the price at Lulu will increase sometime between 9/14 and 10/1. Given the enormous increase in sales since that announcement (I don’t use emoticons, but I think I can count those sales on one hand), I’ll probably reprice the book on Lulu at the same time–to $29.50, of course.
- The search for ongoing revenue sources / employment / sponsorship – Still nothing to report. Still interested in talking to people about possible situations. Still not looking to replace the whole of my current income, in case that (and possible misapprehensions about my current income!) is holding anyone back.
The next C&I–that is, the one after the September issue I’m working on now–will be the final one while I have a steady job, at least as things stand now. So far, I’ve mostly kept “job search/sponsorship search” issues out of C&I. That may change. Or, of course, something could develop between now and then.
Oh, and for a few who are interested:
- The academic library blog book – I’ll probably start working on it shortly after wrapping up the September C&I, and have absolutely no target for completion. Come October, I might also start working on yet another project that involves blogs–but there’s no point talking about that one just yet.