Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large volume 7, issue 2 (February 2007) is now available for downloading.
The 22-page issue (PDF as always, but each section is also available as an HTML separate from the C&I home page) includes:
- Bibs & Blather – Cites on a Plane and other oddities
- Perspective: Predictions and Scorecards – Back to a roundup of some other people’s forecasts and outcomes, after missing a year
- Perspective: Conference Speaking: I Have A Little List – Conference speaking arrangements have become a bit more transparent, and it’s time for a Lobachevskian job on the Gordon/Salo/West works.
- Finding a Balance: The Balanced Librarian – Discussing a prerequisite for balanced libraries.
- Following Up and Feedback – three items.
Fantastic work on compiling and adding to the conference speaking discussion. I’ll be linking to it here.
Walt, I’m sure glad so many others point to this. Of course, I’m still subbed to Walt’s Journal, too. Bloglines is being slow in updating this feed again. 🙁
I didn’t get the Third time… post for 6 days! I made a comment there, but it was in the midst of ALA so don’t know if you saw it. I doubt there’s anything you can do about it, but I wanted to let you know.
Fiona, thanks! (Now I need to update my “speaking page”–but I’d rather work on new material for March and for the probable book.)
Mark, I don’t know just what Bloglines is doing–but my own “ego feed” for Wa.R. runs 2-6 days behind, while others seem to get the posts immediately.
Correction: there’s a missing “s” in the URL for John Dupuis’ second blog — . The blogpot address goes to some badly designed Bible site.
Sigh. Since I copied-and-pasted in this case, I guess John made the kind of typo we all make–and it will likely stay, since I don’t make corrections in existing issues once they’ve gone up in PDF form. (“Once it’s published, it’s published”–I’m a traditionalist that way.)
Yep, it was me in the original email. C’est la vie.