Other than that simple message, this is a semi-blind (and thus useless, if you like), multipart post:
- If you don’t like what I’m saying here or what I’m saying, maybe you should… comment on what you disagree with. As long as it’s civil, non-profane, not slanderous, not spam, signed, and within scope, it will appear, I’ll read it, and if appropriate I’ll respond. After all, one way we learn (sometimes the best way, as adults) is to deal with those who disagree with us.
- The above shouldn’t have to be said, of course. What? You think I’m going to say “if you don’t like what I’m doing, don’t read it”? Who would ever say that? (I heard a rumor, but I’m sure it was just a strawman.)
- Yes, I’ve been to SecondLife. And to the library. It may be great for others. It doesn’t suit me (that’s not surprising, actually: I’m mostly a text person, I’m not terribly social, and real life suits me just fine). Can’t give you my “avatar”‘s name because I’ve already forgotten it.
- I’ll make an exception to the first bullet in this case: I’m really not interested in comments from one small fringe of those involved in the SL library, and I’m pretty sure they’re not representative of those sincere librarians who are involved and who use their real-life names.
- Vote. Did I mention that? With one exception: If you don’t know why you’re voting or what you’re voting for, don’t bother. I don’t believe in mandatory voting. (You can guess how I would vote on one issue if I was in Arizona.)
- Gr**ny pictures? Whazzup with that? More than 200 spamment attempts in less than 24 hours. Maybe they’re really grainy pictures (historic photographs) and the spammer can’t spell.
- And, ending this semi-recursive post (gotta get a long-running job going and then go off and vote): If you do post stuff that’s highly disagreeable, I reserve the right to delete your comment (maybe substituting a “comment deleted by blog owner,” maybe not). What I do not reserve the right to do: “Out” your pseudonymous/anonymous comment based on your IP address or your email address. That’s not going to happen. Ever. (If your comment’s vile enough or so disputatious and never-ending, I might flag your account so that every comment goes into moderation, but that’s different.)
- I happen to think “Books are just the beginning” (Elkhart PL) is a brilliant motto for a public library. It’s called establishing the known story and building from there.
Now there’s a truly random post.
That is a good motto. I like it. Points for Elkhart PL!
And I’ll be with you over in the “text only” corner. I understand completely that text-only isn’t everyone’s playground preference, but I’m afraid it is mine. Mind you, if SLL were relevant to my professional needs and interests, I’d overcome my personal preferences and be there anyway… but I’m just as glad it’s not.
a) I voted. No problems, but then again my wife and I were delayed getting to the polls this morning by an emergency run to the grocery store for formula for a screaming 1-year-old who doesn’t seem to be making the transition to real milk very well so everyone who came to vote before going to work (90 in my precinct alone already) had already done so by the time we got that at 8:15. (There was probably supposed to be a period — or at least a semicolon or comma — in the previous sentence somewhere. Still, I hope it made some sense.)
b) I was looking at my own (caught) blog spam problems this morning and noted that Akismet finds that 93% of all blog postings are considered spam. Wow!
Just finished voting; steady stream, six other people waiting for one of the machines (electronic, with optional paper receipt). They said it’s been a steady stream so far. Now, if I could figure out why I’m seeing campaign signs for candidates who aren’t on the ballot in this area…
Let’s see. 200 spamments in the last 24 hours. Two real comments. Trackbacks are blocked at the server level. You do the math.
Hmm, so it was not just me, on the campaign signs. I went to vote, and I saw a sign campaigning for some school district bond issue, except the district was not the one I was in. There was even a volunteer there, which, in retrospect, I should have asked her why she was there. As for the flow, it was pretty slow in the morning. I think it was me and some other voter. More poll workers than people, but I saw people going in as I came out, so maybe business was picking up. And it would be nice if the informed people actually went to vote. Better yet, if people actually took the time to be informed. Maybe that is where my idealism comes in: I like to believe our libraries play an important role in helping people be informed as they go vote.
Love the Elkhart PL motto. Can I “borrow” it?
As for the SL stuff, I am staying out of it. I am not much into alienation, but I want to believe the few being loud and rude do not represent the rest who are sincere.
As always, best, and keep on blogging.
Well, in this case, the sign was for Richard Dumbo, biggest “friend” of the environment in California’s congressional delegation, and his district starts about 50 miles from here…he’s in a safe seat, but maybe not as safe as he thought. (No, that’s not quite his real name, since I don’t do politics. Good description, though…)
I can’t imagine that Connie Jo Ozinga at Elkhart would mind other people using that motto. I already told her I might use it for a book or chapter title…with credit, of course.
As for SL: “It may be great for others” is an accurate description of my feelings about it.
Idealism is good. Informed idealism (as yours obviously is) is even better.
Voting is compulsory in Australia (you get fined if you don’t). In the past I have been conflicted over whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, but currently I think it’s good for our democracy. Shouldn’t every citizen have some responsibility for who runs the country? Sure, I agree, some people may not know what they’re voting for, or care enough to find out, but I think it balances out, and the system here means that it is very easy for people to cast their votes.
As for SL, as someone who’s played many games in her life, the world seems sterile and not particularly interesting (I’m used to intricate art work and amazing monsters) but I’m giving it a go – the event I attended was interesting (even though I didn’t know the author who was “talking”) and I can see that it would be a great virtual venue for events and meetings.
Walt, I disagree with your anti-peanut butter cup agenda!
I can’t imagine why, but Brian’s outrageous tirade was flagged for moderation. Maybe it’s the exclamation point and the very short text. As to the disagreement…hmm, pass me that Reese’s. Well, still mediocre chocolate and too-sweet peanut butter, but yes, you have a point.
I wish you would flesh out what you don’t like about the SL library. I’m not a fan of it either, but it would be good to hear what you think.
Sloppy wording in my post: I don’t like Second Life–it just doesn’t suit me, which says nothing about whether it’s a good thing or not.
I didn’t spend a lot of time in the library. I don’t really have a separate judgment on it, except that it seemed as slow as the rest of SL. (Well, I could never actually get a search to work, but that’s probably because I hadn’t spent the necessary time inculcating myself in the SL techniques. I guess my avatar was broken.)
I am explicitly not putting down the work of the SL library folk. If other people find SL a great place to hang out, and if they find the library/libraries useful, more power to them. It–SL itself–just isn’t my thing.
Slightly updating an earlier comment: To my surprise and elation, Dumbo, with his wonderful history of wanting to sell off national parks, drill for oil any- and everywhere, and gut every bit of environmental protection, lost. Now he can go back to “ranching” (or more likely subdividing some of the best agricultural land in the world into more commute housing, since the family’s mostly into real estate). And that’s my last political comment about this year’s election.
Thanks for the kind comments on the mission statement, which took some unexpected flack on publib yesterday. And of course you can steal it, the books are just the beginning was stolen from a billboard I saw years ago somewhere long forgotten. Here is the whole thing: The Elkhart Public Library provides access to resources which inform, educate, enlighten and entertain our diverse community…..Books are just the beginning.
I saw the flack (I lurk on publib). I like the longer mission statement as well (I sure read books for entertainment, and they’re mostly PL books, so…), but I think of the second sentence more as a motto.
Thanks for the comment!