So two minutes after I post a link to the press release saying RLG and OCLC are combining, a colleague sends a link to this.
“This” being that the first major speech I ever gave, more than 13 years ago, is today’s Library Link of the Day. In case you’re wondering, no, I didn’t touch a word of that speech when I loaded it to my personal website in 1999–and haven’t edited it since.
If you’re inclined to read “The death of print…” (it’s a long title), you might also want to read this piece, which I wrote in 1999 at the same time that I added the 1992 Arizona Library Association speech to my personal web site (then on AT&T Worldnet, since disappeared because I moved to SBC Yahoo!, which of course is now AT&T Yahoo!, but…)
For that matter, you might also want to read this–the lengthy handout that accompanied the Arizona speech and was entirely additional material. I also haven’t changed a word of that since 1992.
Anyway, thanks, Library Link of the Day. This was a good day for a surprise blast from/to the past.
I was at that Library Automation meeting here in Huston and heard you give that talk. Just wonderful. Technolust was a great concept, so true and funny at the same time. A articluate voice for moderation was so refreshing.
After the talk I started to search out your writings.
It was a great talk and worth revisiting.
What a nice thing to say! Particularly at this personal/professional juncture. (But if you heard me in Houston, you heard a somewhat different speech, “Dreams, Devices, Niches and Edges…” at the Ninth Texas Conference on Library Automation, April 3, 1993–six months later. That speech also appeared, in slightly modified form, in PACS Review v.4 (1993). )
The speech linked to yesterday was given in Phoenix for AzLA. Turns out it’s a little misleading to call it my first major speech, since I’d done 20 speeches before then, including one preconference keynote. What it was, was the first speech I did on “technolust”-related issues; almost all the earlier ones were on online catalogs, or desktop publishing, or personal computing.