Night before last, we moved forward one more week in our viewing of Moonlighting, season 3 (we never watch more than one episode of any show on DVD in any one week…).
The episode was one of the truly remarkable ones that help explain why the show always had trouble staying on schedule. You see the title above. It features a lengthy modern dance sequence set to “Big Man on Mulberry Street,” written and performed by Billy Joel. It’s a great sequence–and a great episode.
In some ways, it harks back to perhaps the most remarkable episode of Season 2, “The Dream Sequence Always Rings Twice,” which–among other things–was broadcast in black & white, over the objections of the network.
In any case, the episode is another highlight of one of the truly great series.
Aficionados will know that we’re in for a truly special treat next week: The only episode that we happened to tape at the time, on an expensive S-VHS cassette, which we’ve kept intact ever since and watched several times.