We’re all innumerate sometimes

Or, in more eloquent terms, duh.

I read this post at dave’s blog, about a middle school giving students PDAs to help make them technologically literate. It’s an interesting concept and an interesting experiment (and an interesting newspaper, referring to PDAs as “mini-computers,” adding a lovely protoVictorian feel to the whole discussion).

But I misread a key item in the story and David King’s quick comment–hey, I don’t know, it’s President’s Day, I’d just finished submitting a “PC Monitor” column, I’m multitasking, the dog ate my brain…

Anyway, I came up with $3,000 per PDA and felt obliged to make a snarky little comment, about the students apparently being trained to be defense contractors.

Submitted the comment. And almost immediately looked at King’s post again and slapped my forehead, because in the Old Math, $180,000 for 600 PDAs comes out to a perfectly reasonable $300. I was just off by one magnitude…

I submitted a followup comment, but feel obliged to add to that this pointer to King’s post. Go read it.

And I won’t make any similar mistakes for millions and millions of seconds, or until 2 p.m. today, whichever comes first.

One Response to “We’re all innumerate sometimes”

  1. Brian says:

    Well, you can be proud that you got the apostrophe in “President’s Day” right!