Correction: Ex Libris article

The current Cites & Insights includes a brief comment on one of Marylaine Block’s Ex Libris articles:

Block, Marylaine, “Information literacy: Food for thought,” Ex Libris 271 (January 13, 2006).

Short and to the point, this is a “few leading questions to ask at the start of information literacy sessions that might force students to examine their assumptions.” For example, why is stuff on the web free? Given a set of items, what would you expect to find for free on the web—and what would you not expect to find. The last three questions push students toward the library’s licensed and offline resources. It’s a fine list, well worth reading and using.

The URL for that particular edition is stated incorrectly in C&I. The URL (corrected above) should be

My apologies, and thanks to the two readers who notified me of the error.

Since this week’s Ex Libris is about corrections, it’s only fitting that I do this post at this time. (For some reason, this week’s edition is “too wide”–it requires horizontal scrolling on screen and won’t print properly in portrait mode. Such is life.)

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