Cites & Insights 5:10, September 2005 is now available for downloading–or you can reach individual essays in HTML form from the Cites & Insights home page.
A light & fluffy summer issue would be perfect right about now–but this 24-page issue, with a total of four essays, probably isn’t it. (I address that issue in “Bibs & Blather.”)
What’s here:
- Bibs & Blather — the usual nonsense
- Perspective: Investigating the Biblioblogosphere — looking into 238 “library people” blogs, with detailed metrics and brief comments on 60 of them. Not the top 50 (and there are 60), but maybe a top 50 in certain questionable respects…
- Perspectives: Summertime Blahs — two perspectives in one essay. “Iconoclasm and the Great God Google” comments on–well, Web4Lib readers will know. “Creative Commons: Foe of Copyright?” recounts some remarkable attacks on the Creative Commons concept.
- ©2 Perspective: Orphan Works — background from the Copyright Office inquiry into this important topic and some notes on the 700+ comments received.
Wow, it must have taken a ton of time to put together the “State of the Biblioblogosphere” report. I have subscribed to just about all of those 60 blogs at one time or another and I’m still subscribed to 38 of them. However, your comments are inspiring me to do some purging and substitution. Thanks for doing what you do.
You’re welcome–and yes, it was a fair amount of work. (As I noted at It’s all good, I briefly considered scuttling the article over issues of “ranking blogs,” but after all that work, I couldn’t do it.)
Fortunately, not so much work that I won’t probably try it again next year…
Like anyone with a healthy ego, I imediately skimmed to the section on my blog. I was surprised to be included in the first place, so thank you. I have one small correction: I do have an About page.
Anna–and a good one too. I just missed the “about” link on the right-hand side. Oh well, more fodder for a followup…
If you avoid downloading onto the computer setup at your end you can view the Walt Crawford PDFs with
Don, I’ll approve this one comment–but, you know, if you’re so terribly concerned about “downloading onto the computer setup at your end,” the articles are all available as HTML..and have been for some time now.