Cites & Insights 5:9 available

Cites & Insights 5:9, July/August 2005, is now available.

This 22-page issue, PDF as usual (with all but the final section available as HTML pieces), includes:

  • ©3 Perspective: Balancing Rights: MGM v. Grokster: A Question of Balance? – Looking at comments on the oral argument, the Supreme Court’s decision and two concurring opinions, and some of the early reactions–including my own take.
  • Trends & Quick Takes – How 60 interviews becomes six million podcatchers; why you’ll see more promotional DVDs; the least you need to know for OpenURL 1.0; and more–including some notes on why Will Manley’s May 2005 column sucks.
  • Perspective: Predicting the Future of Academic Libraries – A slightly humble commentary on why I turned down a speaking invitation, and what sensible people are saying about small steps toward the future.
  • Interesting & Peculiar Products – The iPoser, voice-operated portable players, overpriced gear, and the photo burner–a baker’s dozen in all.
  • The Library Stuff – Eight articles worth reading.
  • Followups & Feedback – following up five items, a mini-Bibs & Blather, and summaries in lieu of feedback.

One Response to “Cites & Insights 5:9 available”

  1. “It appears that blogs and wikis satisfy people’s desire to report on ALA programs….”

    Having now done both–written an ACRL session report for Cites & Insights and written blog posts for ALA sessions, I’m decidedly ambivalent. The blog posts were easier, but not as carefully written or as detailed as what I wrote for C&I. I got more links and mentions on the web from the C&I article. Some of that was the relative popularity of the topic (nothing I wrote about from ALA had the word “Google” in the title). But some of it was the higher profile of C&I than my little blog, even when the posts are linked from the wonderful conference wiki.