Cites & Insights 5:6 (April 2005) is now available.
The 22-page issue, PDF as always, includes:
- Bibs & Blather: Go Away–and an HTML challenge!
- disContent Perspective: Print a bil i ty — 30% failure rate!
- The Library Stuff: seven articles worth noting
- Net media Perspective: Google and Gorman: More thoughts on Google Print, and a retrospective on the recent unpleasantness
- Trends & Quick Takes: four trends, eight quick takes
- The Good Stuff: five articles worth noting
A tip o’ the hat to Dorothea Salo, who caught a grammar goof that I corrected (along with a page number error) in the final PDF.
Thanks for a thorough, fair and comprehensive op-ed review of “Gormangate.”
And thanks for mentioning George’s “revenge of the codex people” satire. We three “It’s All Good” bloggers felt some response to Mr. Gorman’s LJ piece was in order, and there was no question as far as Alice and I were concerned: George had to do it. He is by far the best writer of the three of us, and a funny guy, to boot.
You’re welcome–and thanks for the kind words.
A general note on singular responses (that don’t forward any conversation): they won’t generally show up here, because I respond directly from the copy of the comment that gets mailed to me–as I did this morning, when I received Alane’s kind words.